Acupuncture has been employed as a health care modality for over 5,000 years. Modern science has begun to understand the secrets of this ancient medicine with the support of new studies conducted by leading scientists, hospitals and medical research facilities from all over the world. Today, acupuncture is receiving wide acceptance as a respected, valid and effective form of health care.AcupunctureCupping is the term applied to a technique that uses small glass cups as suction devices that are placed on the skin. The suction in the cups causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup. Cupping is much like the inverse of massage – rather than applying pressure to muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward. For most patients, this is a particularly relaxing and relieving sensation. Once suctioned, the cups are generally left in place for about ten minutes while the patient relaxes. This is similar to the practice of Tui Na, a traditional Chinese medicine massage technique that targets acupuncture points as well as painful body parts, and is well known to provide relief through pressure.The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure). Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, and rheumatism.CuppingTuina or Tui-na (pronounced twee-nah) and medical massage originated in ancient China and is believed to be the oldest system of bodywork. It’s one of the four main branches of traditional Chinese medicine, along with acupuncture, qi gong, and Chinese herbal medicine.It’s based on the theory that imbalances of Qi, which is the body’s vital life force or energy, can cause blockages or imbalances that lead to symptoms such as pain and illness.Tuina or medical massage stimulates the flow of Qi to promote balance and harmony within the body using many of the same principles of acupuncture.It’s similar to acupuncture in the way it targets specific acupoints, but practitioners use fingers instead of needles to apply pressure to stimulate these points. Tuina massage is often used in combination with acupuncture.Please Call for medical Massage session Price (718)-6901199!Tui-Na (Chinese Massage )Chinese Orthopedic Adjustment The foundation of Chinese Orthopedic Adjustment includes three maintherapeutic principles: Regulating Tendons and Muscles, Adjusting Curvature,and Therapeutic Exercise. When these principles are integrated with the fourTCM orthopedic methods of Hand Manipulation, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine,and Functional Exercise, a most powerful system of healing emerges.Chinese Orthopedic AdjustmentGua sha is a healing technique of traditional East Asian medicine. Sometimes called ‘coining, spooning or scraping’, Gua sha is defined as instrument-assisted unidirectional press-stroking of a lubricated area of the body surface to intentionally create transitory therapeutic petechiae called ‘sha’ representing extravasation of blood in the subcutaneous.Gua sha